A Bamboo Training Centre in Ghana

Bamboo is worldwide increasingly highlighted as a sustainable raw material. Bamboo is also gaining increasing importance as a strategic element in the global development agenda. This is because bamboo can be used in many different ways to reduce poverty in developing countries and the negative effects of climate change through sustainable development and green growth.

The construction of the bamboo training centre in Ghana is a sustainable approach with which we contribute both to poverty reduction and to environmental protection.


Bamboo Agroforestry

Bamboo Treatment Area


Workshop Area

Training Facilities

Office and Administration

Sanitary Facilities

Eco Lodges

Bamboo is not only one of the fastest growing renewable resources on earth; it is also one of the most versatile materials in the world. It provides innumerable opportunities to create employment and income for people whose lives have been marked by poverty and disadvantage so far.

Work and employment are indispensable elements in the context of poverty reduction: the path to income, health, satisfaction, security, or what each individual defines as the goal of development. People with employment (employed or self-employed) are less likely to be poor, are more productive, have a longer life expectancy and can offer their children a better future.

The Bamboo Training Centre offers an environment where bamboo experts and those who want to become experts can come together and discover the potential of this natural treasure. A place offering access to education and training in the area of bamboo.

Access to the necessary resources, knowledge and training enables people to use bamboo as a source of income, as a sustainable material to build their houses and as a tool to improve their livelihoods.
